Designer 7 Star Replica Louis Vuitton Bags Handbags Blue Gold Chains M20982
$125.00 $184.00
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M20982 sapphire blue
The myrakmi chain tote bag adds an elegant atmosphere to daily and evening looks with a subtle color. Glankavsky material. The silhouette of the elegant structure is accentuated by the unique LV turn rock and gold-finished chain. The long shoulder strap can be used as a cross-shaped bag, or two lines can be superimposed to form a short shoulder bag. 22.5 x 17 x 5.5 cm (length x height x width)
The myrakmi chain tote bag adds an elegant atmosphere to daily and evening looks with a subtle color. Glankavsky material. The silhouette of the elegant structure is accentuated by the unique LV turn rock and gold-finished chain. The long shoulder strap can be used as a cross-shaped bag, or two lines can be superimposed to form a short shoulder bag. 22.5 x 17 x 5.5 cm (length x height x width)
Brands: Louis Vuitton
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lv bag is cool, made very high quality
Excellent product and quality nice